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目前分類:ICO (9)

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The success of first savedroid ICO sale

Savedroid is a crypto simplifier token offering firm. The ICO (Initial Coin Offering) sale for the same is already open and its first goal was achieved very quickly. The primary sale for savedroid was recently started.

Savedroid reports that it has already sold 1 billion tokens. In fact, within 24 hours, 2 billion tokens of savedroid were sold. The firm is on its path of becoming the most flourishing ICOs in Germany. With the sale of over 2 billion tokens, the Fintech firm based in Frankfurt is very happy.

Since savedroid has already raised double-digit million euros within one or two hours of its primary sale, the company anticipates a lot from its ICO, which will run till 9th March. Overall, the firm has kept aside 6 billion tokens for sale, which means 1/3rd of the hard cap has already been sold.

Even though the standard excitement for Bitcoin and Co. has already dropped, the demand for savedroid tokens is quite lofty. This depicts the company’s high-quality as well as the charisma of its business model. Moreover, the savedroid community comprises over 35,000 Telegram members. Comparatively, it was really hard for other German ICOs.

Dr. Yassin Hankir, the CEO of savedroid says that they are quite delighted of how well the main sale of savedroid went. He thanks the company’s strong community. Plus, he also acknowledges the hard work of his whole team and says that this is a reward for everyone involved with this project and the company.

In its ICO program, over 15,000 people have participated till now and the average purchasing volume is around 130,000 savedroid tokens. Most of the buyers were from Germany as well as other European nations. Nevertheless, the demand for the savedroid tokens was immense from Asia as well.

Savedroid Referral Bounty

The community can also take advantage of the bonus tokens in its primary sale. These bonus tokens are known as Referral Bounty. As the name indicates, the company offers a bonus of 5% for each of the savedroid token that you refer to your friends and family.

In order to get this bonus, you just need to register on the official website of savedroid and login to your account. When you enter your savedroid account, you’ll notice a heading called Referral Bounty. Within this, you’ll see a personalized link.

You just have to copy this link and then send it to the people you know, like your friends, acquaintances, etc. Plus, you can also share the link on your social media accounts, for instance, you can post a report on the ICO sale of savedroid.

The token sale’s great success is a good reason that you must tell everyone about it and benefit from it. And, when someone makes use of the personalized link send by you and participates in the main sale of savedroid, then you automatically get a 5% bonus of the savedroid tokens bought by your referred person.

So, for instance, if someone purchases 10,000 savedroid tokens via your personalized link, then your savedroid account gets credited with 500 bonus savedroid tokens after the transaction process is finished. So, this how you can get a bonus for savedroid tokens.


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Screenshot der Internetseite von Savedroid. Das Start-up will seine Kunden bald auch in Kryptowährungen sparen lassen. | © Savedroid

Screenshot der Internetseite von Savedroid. Das Start-up will seine Kunden bald auch in Kryptowährungen sparen lassen.Foto: Savedroid

Viel war in den vergangenen Monaten die Rede von Initial Coin Offerings, kurz ICOs. Mit dem Kauf sogenannter Tokens erwerben Anleger Rechte, die sie bei den ICO-Anbietern einlösen können. Das Unternehmen Savedroid verspricht jetzt "das erste ICO nach deutschen Regularien". Dazu haben wir Yassin Hankir, Mitgründer und Chef von Savedroid, befragt.

Savedroid ist 2015 als App ins Leben gestartet, die ihre Nutzer beim Sparen unterstützen will. Jetzt will das Start-up sein Geschäftsfeld ausweiten: In Zukunft sollen Kunden ihr Geld auch in Kryptowährungen anlegen und aus Krypto-Portfolios Erträge erwirtschaften können.

Zu Jahresbeginn hat Savedroid Interessenten aufgerufen, sich an der Finanzierung des Unternehmens-Ausbaus zu beteiligen. Im Universum der Krypto-Technologien nennt sich das Initial Coin Offering, ICO. Investoren kaufen sogenannte Tokens. Nachdem die Vorfinanzierungsrunde ("Pre Sale") zu besonders günstigen Bedingungen abgeschlossen ist, startet Savedroid an diesem Freitag das sogenannte "Main Sale".

In Deutschland gab es in den vergangenen Monaten bereits mehrere ICOs. Den Anfang machte im Oktober die Shopping-App Wysker. Krypto-Unternehmensfinanzierungen starteten außerdem das Start-up Envion, das Hilfe zum Krypto-Mining verspricht, der Bezahldienstleister Bitwala, der Anbieter der Börsenhandels-App Naga, der mit dem Naga-Coin auch eine eigene Kryptowärhrung in die Welt setzte, und Aeternum, das ebenfalls eine Kryptowährung anbietet und dessen Finanzierungsrunde derzeit noch läuft.

ICOs sind nicht unumstritten. Die deutsche Finanzaufsichtsbehörde Bafin und die europäische Esma haben Ende vergangenen Jahres vor Risiken in Zusammenhang mit ICOs gewarnt: Viele Verbraucher verstünden nicht, wo  genau sie ihr Geld anlegten. Sorgen bereitete den Marktwächtern auch, dass ICOs in einen unregulierten Graubereich fallen. Die Aufsicht kann nicht helfen, wenn Verbraucher vermeintlich zu Unrecht ihr Geld verlieren.

Was Anleger beim ICO von Savedroid genau bekommen, haben wir den Unternehmens-Mitgründer und -Chef Yassin Hankir gefragt.

Savedroid-Mitgründer Yassin Hankir

DAS INVESTMENT: Sie werben damit, dass Savedroid das erste ICO nach deutschen Regularien veranstaltet. Was bedeutet das? 

Yassin Hankir: Bei unserem Unternehmen handelt es sich um eine AG nach deutschem Recht. Das Initial Coin Offering (ICO) von Savedroid erfolgt nach deutschem Recht, also nach dem entsprechenden Aufsichtsrecht, Zivilrecht et cetera.

Was erhalten Investoren, die in Ihrer jetzigen Finanzierungsrunde Token erwerben?

Hankir: Der Savedroid-Token ist ein sogenannter "Utility"-Token, das heißt der Token gewährt Käufern den Nutzen (Utility), ihn als Zahlungsmittel innerhalb der Savedroid-App einzusetzen und damit die künftig angebotenen Krypto-Dienstleistungen zu bezahlen. Für das regelmäßige und automatisierte Sparen mit Kryptowährungen wird es eine monatliche Abogebühr sowie eine Transaktionsgebühr geben. Die Token sind also vergleichbar mit einem Gutschein, der für eine künftig in Anspruch genommene Dienstleistung eingelöst werden kann. Der Savedroid-Token wird zudem an einer Token-Börse gelistet sein und kann dort von den Inhabern frei gehandelt werden. Der Preis an dieser Börse bildet sich auf Basis von Angebot und Nachfrage.

Savdroid will das Investieren in unterschiedliche Kryptowährungen möglich machen. Wie legen Sie das Geld der Sparer genau an?

Hankir: Die Sparer werden die Möglichkeit haben, einen selbst festgelegten Anteil ihrer Sparbeträge in einzelne Krypto-Coins umzuwandeln. Im zweiten Schritt wird es auch die Möglichkeit geben, in Portfolien von Coins und ICOs zu investieren, zum Beispiel in die Top 10 oder die Top 20 New Comer et cetera.

Der Bitcoin-Kurs ist in den vergangenen Tagen stark eingebrochen. Was passiert in einem Krypto-Crash mit Savedroid?

Hankir: Wir sind davon überzeugt, dass sich die den Kryptowährungen zugrundeliegende Technologie, also die Blockchain, durchsetzen und in Zukunft noch deutlich verbessern wird. Welche Coins künftig das Rennen für sich entscheiden werden, ist derzeit allerdings noch offen und für uns als Savedroid auch nicht die relevante Frage. Bitcoin ist aufgrund der relativ teuren Transaktionskosten eher als Wertaufbewahrungsmittel geeignet, Ethereum scheint für Transaktionen besser geeignet.

Unter dem Strich braucht es allerdings bei allen derzeit existenten Coins noch deutliche technische Fortschritte hinsichtlich der Skalierbarkeit, um günstigere Transaktionskosten zu gewährleisten und eine echte Alternative zu den herkömmlichen Papiergeld- beziehungsweise Fiat-Währungen, wie Euro oder US-Dollar, zu bieten. Sicherlich wird es hier in der Zukunft noch ganz neue Coins geben, die diese Kriterien deutlich besser erfüllen.

Planen Sie mittelfristig, eine eigene Kryptowährung aufzulegen?

Hankir: Eine eigene Kryptowährung ist derzeit nicht geplant. Savedroid wird sich auf seinen Token und den Ausbau seines Ecosystems konzentrieren und Nutzern einen einfachen Zugang zu Kryptowährungen eröffnen  das ist unser Ziel.


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Bitcoin price Litecoin Ethereum

Investors have another cryptocurrency fund to choose from. Former UBS banker Jan Brzezek has launched a new cryptocurrency fund and is targeting $10 million by month’s end, as per Bloomberg. The crypto fund is currently domiciled offshore and is passive in nature (though an active product is planned for the summer), tracking the performance of the maiden blue-chip index for cryptocurrencies, said Brzezek. He is seeking approval from Swiss regulators to broaden the reach of the fund to more clients.

Brzezek’s move from traditional banking to cryptocurrencies is indicative of a notable trend of similar moves, one that extends to a former BlackRock pair that decamped from the world’s largest asset management firm to run a crypto hedge fund.

Meanwhile, a trio of former Goldman Sachs employees unveiled an ETF-like cryptocurrency fund targeting wealthy investors on Jan. 1. Crescent Crypto Asset Management’s debut fund gains exposure to nearly two-dozen cryptocurrencies, giving investors greater diversification than Brzezek’s fund. One of the three former Goldman alums, Ali Hassan, entered bitcoin at $300 with the funds from a bonus given to him by his former employer, as per the FT.

For his part, Brzezek has attracted the likes of Raymond J. Baer, honorary chairman of the Julius Baer Gruppe AG, and Susi Partners AG, Zurich’s chief Tobias Reichmuth to the board.

The banker shift to crypto adds insult to injury for a traditional banking sector that has been caught in the middle of the rise of bitcoin and other altcoins despite the best efforts of some to suppress the movement.

CrytoFinance AG

Brzezek’s LinkedIn profile says he’s CEO and co-founder of  Switzerland-based CryptoFinance AG, with the tagline, “We’re building the first regulated crypto fund, prime broker and storage.” The prime brokerage element suggests there could be leverage and shorting involved in the trades. He launched the new crypto initiative in May 2017, according to the profile, but the fund appears to be getting liftoff now.

The CryptoFinance fund targets institutional investors such as banks, asset management firms and wealth management offices instead of Main Street. It tracks an index that’s calculated by SIX Swiss Exchange AG, a stock exchange, and is thus far comprised of bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum and Litecoin, weighted by market cap.  Eventually, the index that the new fund tracks will contain the price of nearly a dozen cryptocurrencies.

The bitcoin price plummeted more than 10% on Jan. 23 alone to near the $10,000 level, and similar price swings would be reflected in the performance of the fund. Check out this one-month chart of the bitcoin market cap below:Brzezek is the first to acknowledge, however, that volatility in cryptocurrencies is “exceptionally high” versus traditional asset classes. Unlike many asset managers, though, he recognizes an opportunity instead of pure risk. In other investment categories, he finds “hardly any room for improvement.”

Featured image from Shutterstock.


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viola ai

The couple behind dating and matchmaking agency Lunch Actually is set to blaze another trail by marrying cryptocurrency and artificial intelligence (AI) in their latest venture, Viola.AI.

Co-founders Violet Lim and Jamie Lee plan to raise US$17 million (about S$22 million) in its initial coin offering (ICO) for this project, where the primary agent is an AI interface which will not only match potential couples, but also track their progress after they start dating. This means suggesting places for dinner, reminding them of dates, or giving advice on relationship problems.

In an exclusive interview with TODAY, Mr Lee said that it is “probably the first company in the world” to use AI and blockchain when providing dating and relationship solutions. Blockchain technology, in simple terms, allows for data to be coded, structured and managed to facilitate digital transactions.

The Lunch Actually team uses AI, called Viola, and feeds it 13 years of cumulative data that the agency has collected since its inception in 2004.

The system will then be “trained” on the 1.1 billion data points the company has, which includes customer preferences and feedback collected over the years, Mr Lee said.

When the platform is live, the AI will also keep “learning” with new information exchanged between users, through a community of people who contribute content or advice to others.

Users may use tokens to thank others for offering dating advice and suggestions.

The platform, which would provide matching services, may also be used for transactions, for example, to buy flowers for a date.

“It is a ‘Siri’ with empathy,” Mr Lee said. “What Viola can help you with are relationship-related questions, using the database.”


Calling itself the biggest matchmaking company in South-east Asia, Lunch Actually Group has matchmade around 3,000 successful married couples to date.

It has more than 1.4 million users in markets such as Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Hong Kong and Indonesia. In terms of the dating and relationship space, it has both online and offline presence, including its original dating service agency Lunch Actually off Orchard Road, as well as mobile applications LunchClick, esync, Indonesia’s Setipe and Thailand’s Available.

For Viola.AI, Mr Lee and his wife had wanted to create this platform one-and-a-half years ago, but it took time to make progress due to limited funds.

The business was also facing a “pain point”: The more effective it was at making successful matches, the fewer clients it could retain.

They wanted to have a product that could last and lead the couple from dating to marriage, thus solving the “problem”.

In the process, they took notice of cryptocurrencies, and realised that the credits system they wanted to build in Viola was essentially similar.

Mr Lee said: “When we merged both concepts, the idea of Viola became better: The encryption, protection of data, and real ID solutions.”

Taking part in the cryptocurrency market, which is decentralised, also means the project can go global, which further aligns with the business’ goals, he added.


Among the “currencies” available, the blockchain technology from Ethereum was chosen because the couple liked that it had the most economies of scale, is an established cryptocurrency, and it deals with smart contracts.

Ethereum is a platform that is built specifically for creating smart contracts, which are programmable coding to facilitate, verify, enforce or store any kind of information into the blockchain.

Adapting it for Viola.AI would help to address the concern over fake online profiles and scams, which is a bigger issue in South-east Asia than it is in the West, Mr Lee noted.

The app would verify the accounts by taking a real-time video scan of the user’s face and checking it against the person’s social media accounts before approval. These would be stored on the blockchain.

A token on Viola.AI is now priced at US$0.20.

The group, which launched its pre-sales in mid-December for its ICO, has already hit its soft target of US$1 million. Its public sale will be in March, and it aims to raise a final target of US$17 million.

By May, it hopes to have a viable product to launch.


To build on the tech-intensive business, Viola.AI has its own chief technical officer, and about 10 people are involved in developing the IT and blockchain, including external vendors.

On standards set by the Monetary Authority of Singapore for cryptocurrencies, Mr Lee said that the group has sought legal advice on the offering, and sees the product as more of a utility for goods and services.

Being an early adopter of digital technology does have its risks. In 2007, Lunch Actually launched its first online dating site called Eteract, which was not a success. “To get 10,000 users then was so difficult,” Mr Lee recalled. The market then was not ready.

Still, he is confident that their latest brainchild has the potential to change the industry.

Cryptocurrencies are “built to last” and “not a fad”, he said. “We feel that cryptocurrency has a positive future. There will be ups and downs…Even if there is a correction, we (will) survive it, (because) we have a real business behind it.”

He added: “I guess the story is that we should never stop improving what we can offer to society. We should not be fearful to keep up with the times even if it disrupts your business. Viola.AI can disrupt my business, but if it does a better job, we should not be afraid to challenge something that is old.”



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pundix ico

Indonesian fintech firm Pundi X launched their ICO today and sold out within two hours. Eligible investors from outside the US, China or Malaysia snapped up PXS tokens to the tune of $23 million.

The company announced on Twitter that 6,000 ETH transactions were placed in the first five minutes of sale, causing network congestion reminiscent of the CryptoKitties craze of late last year.

South East Asia is one of the most populous areas of the world, accounting for some 640 million people. However, only 25% of that population have a bank account.

Pundi X ICO are seeking to open up financial inclusion in the region, particularly access to cryptocurrencies. According to their estimates only 1% of the world owns any crypto, and they want to change that.

pundix ico

Pundi X describes itself as the “Walmart and 7-Eleven of cryptocurrency” and wants to “make buying cryptocurrency as easy as buying bottled water”. To achieve this they aim to introduce a point of sale (POS) network for cryptocurrencies.

In practical terms that means that anyone would be able to buy cryptocurrencies with cash, bank card or the Pundi X Pass, a smart card which can be used for everyday purchases as well as trading currencies. The company plans to roll out upwards of 100,000 POS devices to shops over the next three years.

It remains to be seen how Indonesian regulators will respond to the plans. Regulators there are wary of this new sector, with the Bank of Indonesia recently reiterating its warnings that Indonesians should steer clear of cryptocurrencies as they are “prone to forming asset bubbles and tend to be used as method for money laundering and terrorism funding”.


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【新唐人亞太台 2018 年 01 月 20 日訊】明年金融與科技行業,聲勢看漲,帶您來看到,台灣金融科技協會本週舉辦論壇,邀請產官學界、立委、業者,共同探討台灣發展Fintech的趨勢與機會,專家說,今年產業可能迎來大爆發,不光民間累積實力,國際業者也都鎖定台灣,這塊市場。


台灣金融科技協會理事長 王可言:「台灣算是少數幾個還算是greenfield(未開發區),也就是說還是才剛開始,沒有太久的國家,那我覺得全球趨勢來說,今年應該是對企業金融,尤其中小企業的金融服務,今年會有比較大的進展。所以我們今年也會看到比較多的國際公司進到台灣來提供服務,所以今年應該是一個戰國時代。」


台灣金融科技協會理事長 王可言:「所以我想ICO要有一個健全的發展,很重要就是要有一些規範,這規範不管是政府訂,或業界自己來做一個自律的這個約定。所以運用這個機會,把這些國外在做區塊鏈,吸引到台灣來,把資金吸引到台灣來,這可以是我們在做金融科技,甚至數位經濟,非常重要的一個契機。」


理慈國際法律事務所創辦人 蔡玉玲:「我覺得在第二條裡面說,主管機關要有一個專責單位,那我們非常期盼這個專責單位,可以扮演更多的這個角色。因為投資人是要看到一個沒有法律風險的意見,他才有辦法進行投資。」


新唐人亞太電視 陳輝模 沈唯同 台灣 台北報導



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無論你認同與否,加密貨幣已形成一個比科網泡沫更巨大的風潮,比特幣、以太幣和瑞波幣成為三大巨頭,瑞波幣共同創辦人Chris Larsen今年初以579億美元身家更打入福布斯億萬富豪榜第五位,超越Facebook創辦人Mark Zuckerberg(560億美元)及生意遍佈全世界的李嘉誠(312億美元)。因為區塊鏈出現,全球財富大轉移。
IPO即上市集資,ICO即虛擬貨幣集資,現世界各地出現的ICO集資多如牛毛,連大陸文盲也在搞,你想得出來的各行各業各界也最少有幾隻加密貨幣等着進佔市場,一份White Paper動輒能集資到數十億美元,這類神話在外國屢見不鮮,當中老千之多,連行內人也真假難辨,只知幸運買中了,短時間內就升幾百至過千倍。有幾位富二代和律師朋友,本來一個月前還一口咬定是騙局,現時竟不約而同瞓身加入,連平時不恥炒作的資深科網界KOL,也受不了一朝發達的誘惑,口中雖說很危險,但身體卻很誠實地買幾十萬作「投資」。






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—創投「Mangrove Captial」的報告中指出,204種ICO的平均投資報酬率為1,320%。


一份新的報告指出,如果對所有已經結束、包括已失敗的ICO案(翻譯註:ICO為initial coin offering,初次代幣發行)盲目的去投資,投資者將得到1,320%的投資報酬率。

創投「Mangrove Captial」的合夥人說「假設有人在每個ICO案、包含那堆已經失敗的ICO案都盲目投資10,000歐元,會得到13.2倍的回報。」

這份報告出自SKYPE前營運長,同時也是Mangrove的合夥人Michael Jackson,他檢視了204個「已知結果」的ICO案子數據,包含現在仍然可交易、與已經失敗的案子。










倫敦研究ICO市場的創投業者Etienne Brunet告訴本單位(翻譯註:即原出處Business Insider):「這一年時間能夠從加密貨幣市場得到瘋狂的投資回報」。



加密貨幣吸引這些積極投資人的原因在於,他們可以提供「高於alpha值」的承諾,即績效高於大盤平均。Illuminate Financial基金的投資主管Brunet說道:「我們有些作法較開放的對沖基金開始進行代幣投資了」。


Fintech分析公司Autonomous NEXT在8月份表示至少有55個對沖基金發現了這點,此後Fortress前任經理Mike Novogratz宣布要設立五億美元新的加密貨幣對沖基金,而舊金山的Blockchain Capital在週三宣布要籌資1.5億美元,其中一部分將以加密貨幣為標的。


報道揭露高盛(Goldman Sachs)正考慮設立比特幣交易部門,正如它在八月對客戶發出的一份說明:「機構投資人越來越難去無視加密貨幣了」


「如果持有一個大部位的基金,你是不能只在交易所交易的,因為量太大而交易所的流動性沒像納斯達克(Nasdaq)那麼高。」他說道:「機構投資人需要OTC(翻譯註:Over the Counter,場外交易)經紀人來進行這種大量的加密貨幣買賣。」




引用自 https://medium.com/@Paulchen2017/無怪乎投資者們湧入加密貨幣市場-ico的平均投資報酬率為1-320-新聞翻譯-54270e405b5e




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robomed ico


Total score: 91 out of 100 points!

Robomed  has already successfully completed its first ICO stage in December 19, 2017 with total raise $14mln. Robomed Network is planning a second ICO stage in late 2018. 


Business (18 out of 20 points)

The Robomed Network is a medical network based on blockchain tokens to be able to provide the most efficient health care services. The Robomed Network system operates in terms of smart contracts between healthcare service providers and patients. The fulfillment of the smart contract is measured by the efficient performance of specific medical service and patient satisfaction. This kind of new approach which is oriented to the patient is an innovative technology in healthcare market.

Clinics connected to the Robomed Network use Robomed EНR. Robomed EНR is a system which atomizes medical centers processes. It gives the possibility to store medical data and health facility tools in unified approach. By the means of such system all participating clinics are combined into one unified information space. It helps to different service providers to interact in a prompt manner without bureaucratic, financial, and legal barriers. This allows providing services by means of uniform criteria, and adapting processes to permanent changes in efficient manner. Patients interact with the Robomed Network by the use of Robomed Mobile or Robomed Web.


Product readiness (5 out of 5 points)

Robomed EHR solution is available in the Russian market since 2016.
This solution was successfully implemented in a score of clinics in Russia. During that period, the project team improved the system, solved the integration problems and helped to increase the profitability for their customers.

White Paper (10 out of 10 points)

The project is described in three documents:

Whitepaper is available in multi-languages.

The content of the documents is presented in structured manner and it provides a fairly deep understanding of the logic of the system and the usage of smart contracts and RBM (Robomed Network Token). The market of medical services is considered and logical conclusions are given. The schemes of connecting clinics, which have already been tested in practice, are provided. The document contains screenshots of already operating service.


Roadmap (10 out of 10 points)

Robomed roadmap map detailed and shows the period until end of  2019. 

Roadmap indicates not only the future tasks, but also already implemented development stages. It becomes clear from the Roadmap that the project generally is ready for scalability and in the nearest future there will be the mass integration. As a result in the short term there will be an increase of token value.

Already implemented:

Robomed EHR:

  • Core functions
  • Open Api (ESB)
  • PBX instances integration
  • Smart contract system
  • Lab integration
  • Marketing data integration

Robomed mobile: Core functions and wallet integration

Robomed web: patient portal


Legal (4 out of 5 points)

The company Robomed has been operating in the Russian market since 2016.
Taking into account the presence of a strong lawyer in the team, legalization issues in different countries will be resolved.


Team (18 out of 20 points)

During the communication with the Robomed team it became clear that the employees are highly qualified specialists and they have experience in implementing of such system. They understand the integration complexity in connection with the clinic software and have successful solution cases.

By now the project has a formed team of professionals due to the fact that the product is already known on the market since 2016.

Philipp Mironovich – 7 years of successful entrepreneurship in the medical market.

Ivan Devyatkov – Healthcare sector expert, 9 years of working experience in healthcare sector with western IT companies, transforming the knowledge onto the Russian Market.

William Peckham – Partner and Investment Director at Central Capital

Jean-Elie Malkin – Ex-Director of Global Alliance for Health and Social Compact (GAHSC).

Andreas Kumbroch – Managing Director by Allocate Software GmbH and is responsible for the German, Swiss and Austria market.

Caroline Maslo – She holds a PhD and has over 20 years’ experience in clinical practice at the Paris’ hospital group “Assistance Publique-Hȏpitaux de Paris”.

Vasily Kuznetsov – Co-Founder at IBCG (International Blockchain Consulting Group).

Maria Agranovskaya – Attorney at Law with 20+ years of experience. Substantially engaged in blockchain technology and ICO (TGE) related projects.

The team of advisors is also impressive.

It is important that the team is already staffed with technical experts (software specialists, architects, blockchain specialists).


ICO terms  (4 out of 5 points)

The Robomed project has already successfully completed its first ICO stage in December 19, 2017 with total raise $ 14.140.000. RBM token will be soon available for trading on the stock exchanges.

Robomed is planning a second ICO stage in late 2018. It will be very interesting.


Token applying  (4 out of 5 points)

Any purchased RBM token can be implemented into a medical service by smart contract at any time.

Released RBMs get into the wallets of patients when they purchase medical services smart contract. After a provider or a group of providers fulfill the conditions of a smart contract, RBM gets to the provider and it can be used as the payment for the services of other providers connected to the system, or exchanged for other currencies.

For connection to the Robomed Network, health care providers pay a commission from their own RBM turnover. The commission is automatically charged based on the results of the transaction.

Based on funds of clinics that have already connected to the system, at the initial development stage the demand for tokens will be at a high level.

The demand (RMB token price) will grow with each new connected clinic.


ICO Promotion  (18 out of 20 points)

The Robomed project has already successfully completed its first ICO stage in December 19, 2017 with total raise $ 14.140.000. RBM token will be soon available for trading on the stock exchanges.

The marketing strategy was very well thought out which includes publications from field- oriented media, presentations to investors and attendance in field-oriented conferences. But most importantly, in our opinion, is released, proven product.

Robomed Network is planning a second ICO stage in late 2018. It will be very interesting.

Visit https://robomed.io/


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